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Log in

Login to your account

Username *
Password *
Remember Me

Username and Password

The username and password must be entered exactly as they were entered at the time of registration, respecting upper and lower case letters and the presence of spaces or other characters.

If you do not remember the username, password or both, you can receive instructions for their recovery at the email used for registration.

Double authentication

On this site it is mandatory to activate double authentication (TFA = Two Factor Authentication).

With the TFA, the user must confirm access in a different way, for example by entering a code received via SMS or displayed on their smartphone. TFA prevents other people with your password from logging in for you, precisely because they would still have to authenticate a second time with another mechanism.

Close the connection

It is good practice to always close the connection by logging out.

Especially if the PC is shared with other people, not having logged out correctly can put your data at risk and, in some cases, even those of the entire website.
